Training is going well!

Well the end of the 2013 Easter Weekend has come and gone –  needless to say, it was spectacular in Vancouver Canada.  On Saturday I stretched my walk to 26km, or approximately my planned daily limit that I want to complete on the Camino.  My feet, knees and back are holding up well.  I was tired the next day and was glad that I rested.  I completed March with approximately 330km walked, with half of that dedicated to Camino training.

It is now official, I can say I am leaving next month.  It just seems that much closer now!

Just a guy that likes adventure travel from time to time.

Posted in brentonthecamino, Camino Training, Travel, Vancouver
One comment on “Training is going well!
  1. Teresa says:

    You are well on your way!!! I can’t wait to live vicariously through your blog!!

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